The IO1 Entrepreneurial Competence Framework for artists and cultural operators is the first Intellectual Output of the project coordinated by the Italian partner Materahub.
The key objective of the Intellectual Output 1 is to list and prioritise the key competences artists and cultural operators should possess in order to be able to structure their artistic and cultural activity as an entrepreneurial activity. It sets out and defines entrepreneurial competencies and core areas needed by artists and creatives to structure their activity in an “business like” way.
To do so, the partnership has produced crucial outputs including:
– a desk research and collection on previous European experiences/best practices/case studies of entrepreneurship education in non-formal learning environment
– a survey among experts of entrepreneurship education and cultural industries on the perceived needs of artists and cultural operators in term of entrepreneurial competences and skills
– a survey among artists and cultural operators on their training needs perceived (entrepreneurial skills & competences)
In this section you will be able to access for free the final report including all products, data and information collected, the framework in all partners’ languages that will be downloadable as a standalone document and any tool used to produce the IO1.