Nowadays, social exclusion of migrants and refugees exists in many European countries, although it is not well-reflected in our educational systems. Therefore, tackling inequalities in education should be a part of the comprehensive fight for social justice, in order to make universal values alive. The acquisition of basic skills and mostly learning the language is the foundation for the integration process and the access to further learning and the gateway to employment and social inclusion.

The creative sector

On the other hand, there is an exceptional need of strengthening the migrants’ participation in the society. Learning the language does not itself create job opportunities and vice versa. Thus, due to their lack of both professional language and entrepreneurial skills together with digital skills, employers become skeptical towards migrants in terms of providing a decent working environment. Migrants/refugees need to know how to be a part or even create a new business and improve their practical skills to be applied in entrepreneurship.

Give migrants a chance

The INCREA project is dedicated to support migrants/refugees and social workers in their integration process in the European societies enhancing their language and entrepreneurial skills through the exploitation of ICT tools.

Exploiting their personal cultural background, the project will develop a complete package of learning material aiming to address the lack of adequate language and employment-related skills (including digital skills) and to promote language, entrepreneurial and Digital skills learning in order to foster the entrepreneurship spirit.


The specific purpose of the proposed project is the development of training modules and activities considering the different characteristics of the individuals to support them in their integration process in the Europeans societies enhancing language and entrepreneurial skills. In particular, INCREA will develop an innovative ICT tool – based on the methodology of Serious game – to be used in a blended-learning environment aiming in transferring knowledge toward target migrant/refugees together with a manual that fosters creative entrepreneurship exploiting personal cultural background.